Wolves and Ravens - Book 1

The Great War Has Ended…

    The thousand years following the Great War, and the writing of the First Law, were not always peaceful, but nothing could compare to the slaughter that came before. The three races continued to make their way through the world in relative prosperity, even after the separation of the Eastern Kingdom over five hundred years prior. The horrors of the Great War faded into the annals of history, except for a single problem.

    It was all a lie.

    Distrust of the ravens was beginning to spread from an unknown source. The disappearances were growing more frequent and were joined by even darker rumors. Through all this, the Raven Queens continued to research the truth for centuries. How do you prove a lie with no evidence? How do you find evidence from a thousand years ago?

    What really happened? How did the Great War truly end?

    Queen Nánfeng knows she will not live to see the answers but knows they are running out of time. All she can do is prepare the way for her child-prodigy of a daughter. A seven-year-old Princess who cares more about complaining and hiding from her training than she does about the state of the world.

    It will be up to Princess Qiàn’s Wolf Protector to keep her on the proper path. The true road to being the Raven Queen is a brutal one which no one would ever want to force on another. However, through the suffering and sacrifice of one, perhaps all others will be spared.

    Unbeknownst to all, even the Raven Queens, their world has been being watched closely for a very long time, from both sides.