The Prayer Of Faith

In my years in the Prayer Ministry, I have come to discover that there are many diverse views of prayer, apprehensions, misunderstanding, misuse of prayer for financial gain through the exploitation of seekers of help. Thus, in many instances, the object of prayer, praying to God, has shifted from God to faith in men who promote prayer through Wealth and Healing Ministries. These men promote prayer, by manipulating their followers' minds, as the only power to gain wealth and healing while acting as their intermediaries between them and God to receive answers to their prayers. Their goal, however, is to make money on the backs of their followers who are manipulated to believe in the so-called miracles they perform for them. The power and true benefits are now shifting to false miracle-working prayers. Of course there is a place fro and power in intercessory prayer, no one should be made to believe that there are some special people who alone who can, and must pray to God to experience his blessing. The single most important requirement of prayer is faith in God. When personal faith in God is absent, prayer dies and the experience of the power and blessings from prayer are lost. Faith, however, may not necessarily translate into victory in every circumstance. what acts of faith do guarantee is that we will please God and eventually be rewarded by him. The purpose of this book, The Prayer of Faith (Praying with Hope), is to help everyone who prays to understand that prayer is first, building a relationship with God, through Jesus and not just to receive or see miracles. It explains that anyone who exercised faith in Jesus can literally move the "mountains" in their lives, if they prayed and prayed the right way. Faith treats things hoped for as a reality, with a conviction that what is being asked for, has a real answer. Faith is, therefore, mandatory for those who approach God. Faith is never easy, it wasn't meant to be so. But the more convinced we are of the reality of an all-good, all-loving, all-powerful God, the more our trust will grow, and the least we will be overwhelmed by doubts and temptations. How strong is your faith? As thou has believed, so be it done unto thee. Discover the secret, the power and joy of praying by faith to move your mountains as you read on.