Conducting a Multi-institutional, Multinational Study on Immersive Learning Pedagogies
出版SAGE Publications, Limited, 2022
註釋The purpose of this three-phase multiple methods, qualitative research project was to examine faculty members' understandings of immersive learning in face-to-face settings in order to add a definition of immersive learning to the literature and fill a gap for this pedagogical method. Immersive learning can be broadly defined as an educational experience that is as close to an authentic cultural and social environment as possible. In an immersive learning course or experience, learners are fully engaged cognitively and emotionally. Immersive learning programs in postsecondary settings span a range of experiences which may include study abroad, service-learning, language immersion, virtual or live simulations, field schools for many physical and social sciences, and/or supervised clinical work. Despite widespread use across higher education, little has been published on immersive learning as a distinct set of pedagogical practices. Data collection included case studies, qualitative surveys, and interviews. The data collected was rich, deep, and from a variety of sources and methods. Phase one included case study methodology; small-scale exploration of immersive learning among researchers/faculty members (n = 7) from postsecondary institutions in Canada and the United States. This early exploratory work was presented at a professional conference. Phase two expanded the exploration adding one researcher and utilizing a 14-question qualitative questionnaire/survey to investigate faculty (n = 71) perceptions of immersive learning. Phase three was added wherein the research team conducted 1-1 interviews virtually with faculty (n = 54) using video conferencing software during the COVID-19 pandemic and a semi-structured interview protocol. Recordings were transcribed verbatim with all narrative data analyzed through thematic analysis. The team has met face-to-face only once during phase one and has exclusively worked virtually on phases two and three of the study.The study began as a small-scale research project and grew in both depth and breadth as the subject was explored. There were significant challenges related to conducting all interviews using virtual tools including technological issues, inability to interpret body language, unusual distraction, and so forth. There were also unexpected advantages of conducting all interviews using virtual tools such as the elimination of travel time and expenses, the use of auto transcription services within the online platforms, the ease of finding mutual times to meet, and so on. The project was successful; however, the research team learned a few practical lessons from our experience in how to conduct online qualitative research.