註釋TIME DREAMS. They are dreams, like any other dream. They are dreams about space and Time. They seem real, but so does life. Dreams are thoughts. You've heard it before, "I think, therefore I am." (Rene' Descartes). But, the fact is - nobody even knows where thoughts come from. Most people believe they have free will. They believe they have a choice. They believe they act of their own volition. But, will is not an action. It is only a thought. You cannot will something to happen. You are only free to choose the thoughts in your head. And, no one knows where they come from. Life is a fantasy. No one knows what Life is or where it came from. No one knows what Time is. No one knows where Man came from or how long he's been on this planet. No one knows if their actions are truly theirs. No one knows where dreams come from. No one knows what reality is. Quexistence: The Quest for the Meaning of Existence: TIME DREAMS is a philosophical fantasy of dreams, space, Time, and love. It is the story of one man's search to find the meaning of his existence. But, how can he when nothing in this world is real? Have you ever wondered where Man came from? Did Man evolve from the apes? Was Man created by God? Perhaps Man was genetically created by the "Gods". Perhaps these "Gods" created other creatures in their attempt to make Man. "TIME DREAMS" is a story that reaches back to the Time of Creation. Man, the most arrogant of species, has no idea what Life is or where it came from. He doesn't even know how he originated or how long he's been on this planet. So, is that important in finding meaning for your existence? Gork thinks it is. In his quest to find clues to the origin of Man, Gork discovers there may be something even more meaningful. Gork tells Angie the story of how he met the girl in his dreams, her grandmother, Amani. His Time Dreams begin as he travels to an archaeological site near the Calico Hills in California. During the drive across the desert, Gork has his first dream, a dream that takes him to another time, another world. In his dream he sees a girl, the girl of his dreams, Amani. He falls in love. It is True Love. It is Eternal Love. It is a love that has been since the beginning of creation. Gork travels through space and time, compelled to follow his dream. His dreams take him back to a time and place long forgotten. While in reality he discovers an underground cavern that holds the secret to Man's past. A secret buried in Time.