The Sensitive Man by Poul Anderson, Science Fiction, Fantasy

"Conspiracy seems to be as much a part of our times as it was in the times of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. Hence it finds frequent reflection in all branches of fiction, including science fiction. Yet, as in life, something new has been added, the most gigantic conspiracy of all, the human conspiracy against conspirators. Which makes for a fine stirring story in this short novel of the future by Mr. Anderson, one of our best young authors." So the editors of Fantastic Universe wrote when they published this tale in January 1954.

But there's more to be had from Anderson himself. "The Mermaid Tavern had been elaborately decorated," he wrote, beginning the tale. "Great blocks of hewn coral for pillars and booths, tarpon and barracuda on the walls, murals of Neptune and his court -- including an outsize animated picture of a mermaid ballet, quite an eye-catcher. But the broad quartz windows showed merely a shifting greenish-blue of seawater, and the only live fish visible were in an aquarium across from the bar. Pacific Colony lacked the grotesque loveliness of the Florida and Cuba settlements." Picture the world he's describing! Imagine a world like that!