
 Over the course of American history, the United States of America, and its sister republics in Ibero-America, have had their sovereignties and development constantly threatened and often undermined by imperial machinations: assassinations, drug running, cultural warfare, rigged scandals, senseless military engagements, coups, currency runs, etc. Every thinking patriot of whatever nation has long sought the overthrow of the British Empire in order to secure a sovereign, peaceful and prosperous future for his or her nation.

Lyndon LaRouche has long identified the combination of the United States, Russia, China and India as the minimum array of power necessary to finally shut down the Anglo-Dutch Imperial System.

Today, in 2018, the British Empire has been forced out into the open. It is no longer a secret known only to historians, diplomats, and intelligence agencies, that the hand of the British Empire has been directly intervening into, and often decisively, America’s (as well as nearly every other nation’s) political affairs for decades if not centuries. The possibility of the Four Powers finally coming together to overthrow the Empire, establish Mr. LaRouche’s New Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate credit system, and create what Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the Schiller Institute call The New Paradigm of relations among nations based upon cooperative development of science, technology and infrastructure—from Earth into the galaxy—has thrown the Empire into self-exposure and self-destructive, fearful, aggressive fits.

This book, by bringing the power of Truth to bear upon the Empire, and making easily accessible Mr. LaRouche’s clarity about the actions required of the Four Powers, will accelerate the final demise of the Empire and its replacement by a beautiful future for all (including the currently hysterical tentacles of Empire).

In addition to Mr. LaRouche’s outlines of the actions required of the Four Powers, a series of appendices are include to facilitate better mutual understanding among the people and leaders of the Four Powers. The better the peoples of the Four Powers understand each other, the better they will be able to work together to take the measures immediately necessary, and in the long run jointly work on the great project of developing civilization as a whole.