The Prayer Life

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching in this with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. – Ephesians 6:18


The sin of prayerlessness as one of the deepest roots of the evil. Few can plead themselves free from this. Nothing so reveals the defective spiritual life in a pastor and the congregation as the lack of believing and unceasing prayer. Prayer is indeed the very pulse of the spiritual life. It is the great means of bringing to a pastor and the people the blessing and power of heaven. Persevering and believing prayer means a strong and abundant spiritual life.


Chapters included in this book

The Sin of Prayerlessness

How to Be Delivered from Prayerlessness

The Blessing of Victory

The Example of Our Lord

The Holy Spirit and Prayer

The Holiness of God

Obedience and the Victorious Life

Time in Inner Chamber

Taking Up the Cross

The Holy Spirit and the Cross