Stress & Anger Management
Dr Ishwarbhai Joshi
(Psychology for everyone) Series 6 of 12
, 2022-06-24
Self-Help / Self-Management / Stress Management
Self-Help / Self-Management / Anger Management
Stress &Anger Management In today’s world everyone is bursting out of anger. Humans are getting the best technological knowledge. Humans are getting future gadgets. Humans are getting the best food to eat, the best medical services ever before.But on a personal level human are not able to manage anger and the stress. Teenager at the age of 17 killing other kids, couples are getting maximum divorces in the history of mankind. Family members are killing each other on foolish reasons. Youngsters are stabbing senior citizens, rape children. This is happening because the humans are losing the art to manage Anger.Anger is the root cause of many delinquencies. One has to control anger, if fail to do so it may cost life.Anger is part of human emotions but in old days, people were religious, they were having meditation, they were eating healthy food. So the Anger was managed easily, but in todays era, people are eating unhealthy food, they are eating junk food. People watch crime-oriented films, TV programs and they do not train their brain to manage anger. The frustration of getting ahead, the pressure of performing beyond capacities are leading into the stress. Feeling frequent stress leads to suicide or to kill others, both the things are very horrible. Stress drives life to make silly mistakes and may drain out life into it. Everyone has to know what is the Stress, how to avoid it. This book will certainly help you to take small steps and actions to make life happy.