Business In Simple Language
Alireza Kohany (Instagram Influencer And Young Entrepreneur): "There Is Nothing More Beautiful Than Someone Who Goes Out Of Their Way To Make Life Beautiful For Others"
出版Alireza Kohany
主題Business & Economics / Accounting / General

One of the biggest challenges of being a Businessman at a young age is people don’t take you seriously. The 21st century is a great time to be a young Businessman, but, still, it is hard to give confidence to people who believe experience is essential; a young entrepreneur and successful bussinesman and influencer from Iran Alireza Kohany (Born 18 June, 1993) explain.

Be Resourceful:

When you see Alireza Kohany, you will say he is resourceful. After all, with little experience or network, you have to make the most of what you have.

And in Alireza Kohany’s case, this resourcefulness started when he was a school kid where he earned good money from IELTS in Iran.

Start working on Project as early as you can:

Alireza Kohany starts the Project before you even think. When you see Alireza, you will say it is rightly said that some people learn faster than other entrepreneurs in the world.

He started his business life quite early from Iran. He believes in putting best in things he feels can work, and that has made him the best businessman at a young age.

Alireza believes being young isn’t always an asset you have to update and adapt to new things. Many say age is just a number in the business, but it is only valid if you are doing well in life.

In the beginning People were not able to believe in his dreams. Many didn’t give time to even talk for 10minutes. But as we say he was born to do business at a higher level, Alireza made his own way to the top by implementing his ideas faster than others can even think of.

Alireza Kohany doesn’t waste time in overthinking; he believes in making money. So if you are young like Alireza and getting started, there is no shame in looking to hire those with more years of experience.