Spiritual Formation of the Nones
The Implications of Those with No Religious Preference for Military Chaplians
出版United Lutheran Seminary, 2018
註釋Studies indicate that there is a significant increase of service members who identify themselves as persons who have no religious preference, otherwise known as nones. This phenomenon has serious implications for the military chaplain's ability to provide religious services to a non-religious population. The constitution for which the service members defend provides each of them the right to the free exercise of religion with a direct paralleled prohibition against the government establishing religion. The military chaplain is the custodian appointed to ensure this right to the free exercise of religion and the right to not have a religious preference is enforced. The rising population of almost one third of persons under thirty say they have no religious affiliation and identify as a "none". How will the military chaplain meet the spiritual needs of a non-religious population of nearly 56% male, white, democratic politically, liberal, or moderate, who mostly lives in the western parts of the United States? The purpose of this study was to determine if nones' have spirituality and what role the none expects the chaplain to perform. The research conducted a survey which measured both quantitative and qualitative data points to determine the military chaplain's role, the spiritual practices of nones, and their expectations of military chaplains. The study indicated that the nones identified specific areas that military chaplains may meet their identified needs to include several spiritual practices, social and relational areas of their lives and in some instances a return back to institutionalized religion if desired by the none.