Selected Letters of Siegfried Sassoon and Edmund Blunden, 1919-1967: Letters 1919-1931
Siegfried Sassoon
Edmund Blunden
Pickering & Chatto
, 2012
Literary Collections / Letters
Literary Criticism / General
Poetry / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh
Of the sixteen World War I poets memorialized in Westminster Abbey, two were destined to become lifelong friends. Although both served on the Western Front, it was not until 1919 that Siegfried Sassoon received his first letter from Edmund Blunden. Blunden, while still at Oxford, submitted some of his poems to the Daily Herald's Literary Editor (Sassoon) and thus began a friendship that lasted almost half a century. The intensity of their friendship allowed them to appraise each other's writing in ways which neither poet would have accepted from another critic. The strength of this bond is all the more remarkable as it had to endure periods where they did not meet for several years. This collection of Sassoon and Blunden's correspondence contains more than 1,000 letters, cards and telegrams. They discuss each other's work and that of their contemporaries, such as Robert Graves, John Masefield, Thomas Hardy and T S Eliot, as well as an impressive range of nineteenth-century poets. Exchanges about book collecting - both had extensive libraries - and about their beloved game of cricket also abound. The details of their lives and times make these documents a fantastic resource not only for scholars of Sassoon and Blunden themselves, but for anyone with an interest in the social and literary world in which they lived. Publisher's note.