註釋Now in its 7th edition, and edited by leading academic experts in tort law, Cases on Torts provides students of tort law with extracts from essential cases, both Australian and from other jurisdictions, illuminating the key principles of relevance or influence on modern Australian tort law. The editors aim to build students' essential legal skills in identifying, comprehending and evaluating the current law from primary sources of law. Each case is preceded by a short noteand one or more questions to guide the student's reading of the case. Significant new case law includes cases dealing with fundamental common law principles, of importance in any common law jurisdiction, such as Minister for the Emvironment v Sharma [2022] FCAFC 35 on the duty of care in negligence or CFMMEU v Personnel Contructing Pty Ltd [2022] HCA 1 on vicarious liability. Other new cases, such as Tapp v Australian Busbmen's Campdraft & Rodeo Association Ltd [2022| HCA 11, deal with the interpretation of the civil liability legislation enacted in each State and Territory and by the Commonwealth Parliamentin response to recommendations contained in the Final Report of the Review of the Law of Negligence in 2002. The currency of the book will be maintained by the publication of edited extracts of important new cases on The Federation Press website. The extracts will be accompanied by brief editorial comments and may be freely downloaded. -- Back cover.