Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics
Hans Volker Klapdor-Kleingrothaus
Proceedings of the International Conference Dark 2000, Heidelberg, Germany, 10-14 July 2000
Springer Science & Business Media
, 2001
Science / Physics / Astrophysics
Science / Space Science / Cosmology
Science / Physics / Nuclear
Science / Physics / Condensed Matter
I Astronomical Evidence for Dark Matter.- Large-Scale Structure and Dark Matter Problem.- The Distribution of Dark Matter in Galaxies: Constant-Density Dark Halos Envelop the Stellar Disks.- The Amount of Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies.- Measuring Stellar and Dark Mass Fractions in Spiral Galaxies.- Dark Matter Caustics.- Constraints on White Dwarfs as Galactic Halo Dark Matter.- Contribution to Dark Matter from Extragalactic Dust.- Astrophysical Axion Bounds.- The Sloan Digital Sky Survey at the Millennium.- X-Ray Measurements of the Dark Matter Content of Galaxy Clusters.- Can Dark Matter See Itself?.- Self-Interacting Cold Dark Matter Halos.- II Cosmology and the Early Universe.- Evidence for Dark Energy from a Study of Type la Supernovae.- On the Mystery of the Cosmic Vacuum Energy Density.- Can Quintessence Be Natural?.- Preheating, Thermilaziation and Supergravity.- Dark Energy in Extra Dimensions and String Theory: Consistency Conditions.- Models of Inflation, Supersymmetry Breaking and Observational Constraints.- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Related Observations.- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in the Precision Era.- III Beyond the Standard Model.- Testing a (Stringy) Model of Quantum Gravity.- Particles in the Bulk: A Higher-Dimensional Approach to Neutrino and Axion Phenomenology.- Dark Matter in Supergravity.- Dark Matter in SUSY.- Collider Signatures of Sneutrino Cold Dark Matter.- Searching for Supersymmetric Dark Matter - the Directional Rate for Caustic Rings.- Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter.- Formation of Primordial Black Holes by Multi-Winding String Collapse.- Baryonic Q-Balls as Dark Matter.- Gluino Axion.- IV Gravitational Lensing and Baryonic Dark Matter.- Gravitational Lensing and Dark Matter.- The MACHO Project 5.7 Year LMC Results.- Are There MACHOs in Our Galactic Halo?.- What Are MACHOs? Interpreting LMC Microlensing.- Microlensing by Non-Compact Astronomical Objects: Theory and Possible Interpretation of Observational Data.- V Hot Dark Matter - Neutrino Masses: Phenomenology and Experiments.- Neutrino Physics: Status and Prospect.- Degenerate and Other Neutrino Mass Scenarios and Dark Matter.- Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Potential in a Large Mixing Angle World.- The Weight of Neutrinos and Related Questions.- Neutrino Masses and Leptogenesis from R Parity Violation.- Shadows of Relic Neutrino Masses and Spectra on Highest Energy GZK Cosmic Rays.- Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments.- Recent Results from Experiments Using the Super-Kamiokande Detector.- First Neutrino Observations from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory.- Evidence for Neutrino Oscillations in LSND.- Neutrino Mass from Tritium ?-Decay.- Latest Results from the Heidelberg-Moscow Double-Beta-Decay Experiment.- VI Direct Dark Matter Detection.- Recent Results from the DAMA Experiments for Particle Dark Matter Search.- Results of the Saclay NaI(Tl) WIMP Search Experiment and Comparison with Other NaI(Tl) Experiments.- Status of the HDMS Experiment, the GENIUS Project and the GENIUS-TF.- Results of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search.- The EDELWEISS Experiment: Status and Outlook.- The CRESST Dark Matter Search.- Current Status of the DRIFT Project and UKDMC Dark Matter Search.- The Status of SIMPLE-2000.- The PICASSO Project, Present Status and Future Developements.- The LiF Dark Matter Experiment at Kamioka Mine.- ZEPLIN II and Amplification of Primary Scintillation.- Lower Limit on the Mass of the Neutralino (LSP) at LEP with the ALEPH Detector.- The U.S. Large-Scale Dark Matter Axion Search.- The Rydberg-Atom-Cavity Axion Search.- VII Indirect Dark Matter Searches.- Indirect Method of Cold Dark Matter Search.- Neutrino Oscillation Effects in Indirect Detection of Dark Matter.- Higgs Bosons and the Indirect Search for WIMPs.- Ultra High Energy Neutrinos by Tau Airshowers.- Neutrino Astronomy and Indirect Search for WIMPs.- Status of the Neutrino Telescope AMANDA: Monopoles and WIMPS.- The BAIKAL Neutrino Project: Status Repo...