Criminal Procedure
R. Pamela Ferguson
E. Fiona Raitt
W. Green
, 2018-10-31
Law / Criminal Law / General
Exam Focus from Round Hall is a series of student-friendly exam aids covering the core subject areas of law. The series is especially designed to support students in the weeks coming up to exams by providing a unique tutorial approach to answering questions. Exam Focus provides a strategic approach to exam preparation by helping you effectively apply the knowledge you have acquired during the academic year. For each sample question you get: tips for answering; clear identification of the issues raised; relevant cases; recommended reading, and variations of the question.Exam Focus also:Discloses the common mistakes made when answering exam questions.Includes tips on approaching questions from different perspectives so you get those extra marks.Provides general exam tips and advice for studying for professional exams including the Law Society and King's Inns.Ensures you make the most of your hard work during the year and do not lose marks as a result of small, unnecessary mistakes.The Criminal Law Exam Focus is divided into three parts:Part I: Introduction to Criminal Law Concepts;Part II: Sample Questions and Tips for Answering;Part III: Strategic Studying and Professional Exams.About the AuthorSarah Carew LL.B (Hons) LL.M (Hons), BL, is a graduate of the University of Limerick and Trinity College Dublin. She is a practising barrister and is anassistant lecturer in the Dublin Institute of Technology.