Meet Your Mind Volume 1
Mark Abraham
The Interactions Between Instincts and Intellect and Its Impact on Human Behavior
Xlibris Corporation
, 2010-11-15
Philosophy / Mind & Body
The Interactions Between Instinct and Intellect and its Impact on Human Behavior
Length: 420 Pages
Mark Abraham came to America as a student in 1973 bent on finding the hidden causes of perpetual human conflicts. He devoted 25 years of his postgraduate studies to understand the mind and has discovered that a growing imbalance in every human mind dominates all aspects of human conduct that also includes human conflicts. This discovery took him far beyond his original quest and unveiled a few major human mysteries. For example, we learn that the inner contradictions between instincts and intellect create the psychology of spirituality that finds reflection in different religions. It also shows what renders humans incurably political and why Aristotle called man political animal. We learn what in the mind longs for art and also sport. As this stance also shows why of all beings humans alone are at the same time polygamous and monogamous that renders our species alone, sexually confused and much more.
Three human instincts are universally accepted, and Mark has identified 14 more each of which drives its own brand of behavior more forcefully than does our intellect. Ignoring this mental force had created a missing link in studying humans that is responsible for the persisting human enigma. Placing this missing link in its rightful place in the equation of studying human reveals that the contrasting natures of the progressing intellect and stagnant instincts have resulted in a growing imbalance in the mind. Our stagnant instincts impair our intelligence, hinder our success and happiness and also are responsible for all manmade disasters. However, because of its subtle nature it continues to escape attention. This work shows how to disengage your instincts and intellect, boost your intelligence and happiness. This is a unifying theory of the mind that deals with all these subjects and a great deal more covered in six books.