Named by Fire
Scott Bradley
The Sanctity of Losing It All
Scott Thomas Bradley
, 2023-03
Religion / General
Religion / Spirituality
We don't associate the love of God with losing it all, but God does. Yeshua said the true, eternal, meaningful life we long for, is only found when we lose the life we know. The maddening trouble is it's beyond our capability to lose our whole life, God must take it for us. Thankfully, in unexpected goodness and mercy, He does.God's love for you can best be described as a gathering firestorm, a burning ache, a most vehement flame. The consummation of His love with a human soul takes the form of utter devastation. Your entire life goes up in the flames of an All-Consuming Fire. Despite how it feels, the great fire of your life is not the signal mark that YHWH has forsaken you, but rather the divine signature that your time of love has come. God is initiating His most profound, creative work of your being. His magnum opus in you - union with Christ. Out of the ashes you will emerge in a new world where all of life is a prize, sealed with a new name from the mouth of YHWH.I've been fortunate to have been stunned with the immeasurable gift of losing everything. I pray the same gift for you. This book is for those sitting in the prerequisite suffocating deep darkness of a new life. Enduring the divine trauma of becoming one with the Christ who came to set this deceived world on fire.Beloved, I hope you burn.