The Blessed Life Bible Study
註釋What is The Blessed Life Bible Study? From The Blessed Life: "I live my life on a foundation of God's blessings. Just before I sign my name to letters and memos, I use the salutation of "Blessings". I believe that God has blessed me incredibly. Many of my greatest blessings have come as I travel through times of personal growth and sometimes pain. As a pastor, I listen often to the struggles and pain of others. My calling as a pastor is to point others to the fountain of blessings that God stands ready to give. As a Sociology major, I know a great deal about the dysfunction of our world. Our world would be very different if we as humans focused more on the blessings of life, rather than that which degrades and tears down." Who should use The Blessed Life Bible Study? The Blessed Life Bible Study is great for anyone seeking to deepen the foundation of blessings within their lives. The Bible study continually points people back to Jesus, the giver of life and hope. The group Bible study is excellent for large and small groups. It is a 12 session resource that can be done straight through or can be customized to your individual situation. Visit us online at www.theblessedlifebook.org for more information.