Being Realistic About Urban Growth
註釋Authors Christopher Leo is Professor of Politics at Katie Anderson is a recent graduate of the University of Winnipeg and Adjunct the University of Winnipeg and an em- Professor of City Planning at the Univer- ployee of the Institute of Urban Studies, sity of Manitoba. [...] This is achieved by taking advantage of the fact that a bur- geoning economy and a favourable loca- 2.3 Land use tion produce an intense demand for de- It is density that is at the heart of Vancou- velopment, and put developers in the ver's success in managing its infrastruc- mood to accept strict conditions, if neces- ture and services, and density is a matter sary, in return for a cut of the pro [...] Slow, sprawling growth carries a heavy price tag for Winnipeg, and the most read- A good share of this deterioration stems ily quantifiable part of what amounts to a from the willingness, indeed the determi- structural deficit is the deterioration of nation, to spread the city so thinly as to older infrastructure. [...] The wish for growth defeats rational sult of urban development in municipali- planning, becomes the source of ill-con- ties near Winnipeg and the other seems sidered policy and undermines first the to have been the product of wishful think- city's collective self-confidence and ulti- ing about growth. [...] Class and ur- economy and the power of the local state: ban social expenditure: a Marxist theory the politics of planning in Edmonton and of metropolitan government.