註釋A hematoma is a collection of blood in an extravascular space and is named according to its location. Rectus sheath hematoma (RSH) was first described by Hippocrates and Galen about 25 centuries ago due to abdominal trauma, which is a rare cause of acute abdomen. It is uncommon, which may lead to delayed diagnosis in patients with acute abdomen. This condition arises due to trauma or hypertension in patients with bleeding disorders, using anticoagulants, doing heavy physical exercise, pregnant women, connective tissue diseases, and hematological diseases. The diagnosis can be made by detailed anamnesis, physical examination, ultrasonography, and contrast-enhanced abdominal tomography. For a accurate diagnosis, first of all, the medical history of these patients should be carefully questioned. CT and ultrasonography (USG) are used in the diagnosis of this condition. In many patients, conservative treatment by eliminating the predisposing factor is sufficient. In conclusion, with the increase in use of anticoagulation, the incidence of RSH is expected to increase. Every physician in the surgical field should keep rectus sheath hematoma at the top of the differential diagnosis list in patients presenting with acute abdominal pain and palpable abdominal mass.