American History Leaflets
註釋CONTENTS.--[v. 1] no. 1. The letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel, announcing his discovery, with extracts from his journal.--no. 2. The Ostend manifesto, 1854.--no. 3. Extracts from the sagas describing the voyages to Vinland.--no. 4 double Extracts from official declarations of the United States embodying the Monroe doctrine, 1789-1891.--no. 5. Extracts from the Treaty of Paris of 1763.--no. 6. Extracts from official papers relating to the Bering Sea controversy, 1790-1892.--no. 7. The Articles of confederation of the United Colonies of New England, 1643-1684.--no. 8. Exact text of the Constitution of the United States.--no. 9. Documents describing the voyage of John Cabot in 1497.--no. 10. Governor McDuffie's message on the slavery question, 1835.--no. 11 double Jefferson's proposed instructions to the Virginia delegates, 1774, and the original draft of the Declaration of independence, 1776.--no. 12. Ordinances of secession and other documents, 1860-1861.