Weathering the Political and Environmental Climate of the Kyoto Protocol
註釋In keeping with this tradition, the Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy will, in concert with scholars and practitioners of public policy, bring the best of the new ideas to the people of Saskatchewan. [...] The question is particularly pertinent as science often becomes the currency of public policy debate even if many of those who are dealing with the complex issues, such as the greenhouse effect, have to rely on a community of scholars and researchers who do not themselves agree on the source or the impact of the problem. [...] Nevertheless, there exists within the scientific community diverse views on the issue of whether or not the increase of CO2 concentration is the major contributor to global warming, as an exchange between climate specialists in the June 2003 edition of PEGG, the official publication of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta, demonstrates. [...] Although many of the soils along the northern fringe of the grasslands are not suitable for intensive cropping, the opening up of new pasture lands could be seen to offset the loss of crop land in the south. [...] This is due to increasing emissions in developing nations, the continued increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the effect of greenhouse gases already present in the atmosphere.