The Gray Ghost
註釋Among the thousands of young men who poured into the Shenandoah Valley in 1861 to join Joe Johnston's army was a scrawny private who would rise through the ranks to become one of the most daring and innovative leaders in the Confederate army. ARmed only with colt revolvers, Colonel John S. Mosby and his reiders spread terror behind enemy lines with their hit and run cavalry tactics. Mosby's memboirs recount in stirring detail how his ragtag band of partisans carried out their attacks and offer his own frank assessments of the great battles and men of the Civil War from Bul Run to Gettysburg, from General Robert E. Lee to General Ulysses S. Grant, who once placed a bounty on Mosby's head and later became a close friend. Here is the unsparing self portrait of a hard driving warrior, a man whose troops adored him whose enemies feard him and who would go down in history as the farmed "Gray Ghost of the Confederacy."