Wherever you are in the journey of your life, you are always travelling on a road that leads to somewhere.
We all travel together in a similar direction; our journeys only differ depending on how long we have been on the road, whether we have taken any detours, if there have been any shortcuts we have happened upon, the roughness of the road or anything has blocked our way.
There are so many things that affect our journeys that it is often difficult to sum up a person's life and find a true understanding of how we've lived. Have you taken the right path? Or wrong? Or should you have taken the left one? Has the road behind been kinder than the one you look out on? Or does the empty road ahead seem to embrace you after the torments of the path once trod?
'On A Road To Somewhere...' attempts to answer some of those questions and doubts by revealing a little something about the kinds of lives we have led, are leading and the ones we hope to lead. Along the way, we try to help give a broader insight into the trials and successes we face when traversing all kinds of different roads and lives. We attempt to bring some form of thought to how we come to terms with the aftermath of our decisions, whether good or bad, and in many cases, considering the effect of the decisions that have been made for us.
So, come on in. Turn the page. Take your first steps and canter down memory lane. We hope you find the effort of reaching out helps you to feel and encompass a greater understanding of the battle within.