Nutritional Evaluational of Guar Meal and Influence of Its Feeding on the Growth Rate of HXT Calves
註釋In experiment one the nutritive value was found out by conducting two digestability trials. First frial was conducted with wheat straw and the second with wheat straw plus guarmed on 6H*T calves. The digestibility coefficients for dry matter, crude protein, ether extract and total carbopydrates were 76-47 _+ 0.99, 79.03 _+ 0.97, 59.95 _+ 0.91, 33.17 _+ 0.16, 76.63 _+ 0.87 and 72.56 _+ 0.94 respectively in experiment 2, guar meal was tested for growth in 12.H*T female calves by giving control diet constituted from ground nut cake, wheat bran, maize with mineral mixture and compared this with an experimental diet constituted from guar meal, wheat bran, maize and mineral mixture. Both the diet contained equal quantity of crude protein and were offered with wheat straw and berseem as per the requirement on body basis. Average gain in body weights in 10 weeks of experimental period were 50.66 and 52.66 Kg in groups 1 and 11 respectively. The absolute growth rate per day was 0.595 Kg in group 1 and 0.601 Kg in group 11. The relative growth rate percent per day was 0.45 in group 1 and 0.46 in group 11. The feed gain ratio was 6.03 Kg in group 1 and 6.23 Kg in group 11. The dry matter intake per 100 Kg body weight was 2.83 Kg in group I and 2.87 in group II. Total cost for rearing the calves for 10 weeks period was Rs. 169.73 and 171.26 in groups I and II respectively. But the cost per Kg gain was Rs. 4.25 in group I and Rs 4.08 in group II.