A scholar and a gentleman, Christopher Conrad, spent decades as one of Flat Earth Theory's biggest skeptics.
UNTIL one day, he decided to examine the evidence.
If you haven't examined the evidence and are trusting people with agendas to examine the evidence for you, then you will never be truly sure in your own mind what the absolute truth must be.
The author provides you with a valuable reference resource and invites you on a journey of evidence examination and critical thinking as you bring to a conclusion the question of whether the Earth is flat or a globe in this thorough book including some of the best works to date on the subject.
This work references and links to many public domain and copyrighted works archived here for your easy access with a comprehensive listing of online sources and resources for the serious scholar who wants to get lost in and find themselves in the rabbit hole we call Flat Earth Theory.
This book is not for the faint of heart. Prepare to have your paradigm shattered and a new world opened up to you as the truth is unveiled about just how indoctrinated modern culture is with a rather new model of reality that is only a few centuries old.
MUST HAVE reference book for any Flat Earth theorist's library!