The Doryctinae (Braconidae) of Costa Rica: genera and species of the tribe Heterospilini
註釋This study presents a comprehensive taxonomic revision of the four genera and 287 species of the tribe Heterospilini (Hymenoptera: Doryctinae) that occur in Costa Rica. This tribe is represented almost entirely by the hyperdiverse genus Heterospilus Foerster that includes 280 species, 277 of which are described as new to science. Keys are presented to allow the identification of all genera and species; all species are illustrated by scanning electron micrographs and most by color photographs. In addition, an interactive key was prepared using Lucid Builder and is hosted on the Lucid web site. Although very little is known about the biology of this tribe, species of Heterospilus are known to parasitize a very wide range of endophytic, mostly stem- or wood-boring Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. It is hoped that this study will be of benefit to overall studies of biodiversity in the tropics, and provide valuable information for biological control projects against forest pests, not only in Costa Rica, but also throughout the Western Hemisphere.