"Paul and Mary...Tea for Two!" is a memoir of Paul Kennedy and Mary Ryan who met as school children in the 1920's. They eloped to Canada in 1929 and had a family of eight children over 22 years. They survived World War I, The Crash of 1929, The Great Depression, World War II, The Baby Boom, Korean War, the Sixties, Seventies and Eighties, and for Mary the New Millennium. They met with historical crises and personal tragedies bolstered by their faith in God, love of Family, and undaunted work ethic. Married for fifty five years they left an indelible mark on this world bequeathing the heart and soul of humanity to their offspring.
Do not pray for easy lives! Pray to be stronger men! Do not
pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to
your tasks. Then the doing of your work will not need a miracle
but You shall be the miracle. Every day you shall wonder at
yourself and the richness of life that comes in you by the grace
of God. Phillips Brooks, 1925