Gender and Climate Change: evidence and experience

 A set of briefs on gender and climate change that highlights how CIFOR and partner organizations are addressing current and emerging policy issues, with insights and recommendations based on experience.

Also available as separate briefs:

Gender and climate change: Evidence and experience by Markus Ihalainen and Bimbika Sijapati Basnett (CIFOR)

Brief no. 1
Seeds of adaptation : Climate change, crop diversification and the role of women farmers by Ronnie Vernooy (Bioversity International)

Brief no. 2
Changing the climate : Why gender matters to achieving equitable sustainable development by Nicola Ward (CARE International)

Brief no. 3
Climate change, policy change : Five policy lessons to support women farmers in a changing climate by Sophia Huyer, Jennifer Twyman, Manon Koningstein, Sonja Vermeulen and Catherine Hill (CCAFS)

Brief no. 4
At the intersection of inequities : Lessons learned from CIFOR’s work on gender and climate change adaptation in West Africa by Houria Djoudi (CIFOR)

Brief no. 5
Gender mainstreaming in REDD+ and PES : Lessons learned from Vietnam by Thu Thuy Pham and Maria Brockhaus (CIFOR)

Brief no. 6
Catalyzing sustainable and just change through funding : Overview and key recommendations from Climate Justice and Women’s Rights: A Guide to Supporting Grassroots Women’s Action by Ursula Miniszewski (Global Greengrants Fund)

Brief no. 7
Knowledge is power : Enhancing data for action on women’s rights, equality, and environmental sustainability via the Environment and Gender Index (EGI) by Margaux Granat and Cate Owren (IUCN)

Brief no. 8
Gender equality as a pathway for sustainable development : Lessons learned in Eastern and Southern Africa by Åsa Torkelsson and Flavia Ciribello (UN Women), Moa Westman (UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative)

Brief no. 9
Gender equality in the climate agreement by Eleanor Blomstrom and Bridget Burns (WEDO)