WebGPU and Compute Shaders for Real-Time Graphics

WebGPU and Compute Shaders for Real-Time Graphics – A Practical Guide to Web-Based GPU Acceleration

Unleash the limitless potential of next-generation web graphics development with WebGPU and compute shaders.

WebGPU, a cutting-edge graphics API, is transforming the web landscape. It offers an array of features that surpass WebGL, including compute shaders and storage buffers. These innovations unlock new horizons for crafting ultra-responsive, high-performance web experiences, ideal for real-time data visualization, scientific simulations, machine learning, web games, and more.

This eBook is your definitive guide to mastering WebGPU and compute shaders. It starts by covering the basics of WebGPU, including shaders, buffers, and pipelines. Then, it dives into the more advanced topics of compute shaders and storage buffers. Finally, it provides real-world examples of how to use WebGPU and compute shaders to create stunning real-time web graphics.

What you'll learn:

·        The basics of WebGPU and Compute Shaders.

·        How to use compute shaders to render simple 3D surfaces.

·        How to use compute shaders to render Parametric 3D surfaces.

·        How to use compute shaders to render 3D super shapes.

·        How to use storage buffers to store large amounts of data on the GPU.

Who this book is for:

·        Web developers eager to elevate their proficiency in crafting high-performance web graphics.

·        Graphics enthusiasts keen to explore the latest real-time graphics technologies.

·        Tech explorers who want to be at the forefront of web development innovation.

Empower your journey in web graphics:

WebGPU and Compute Shaders for Real-Time Graphics is your passport to shaping the future of web-based 3D graphics. Whether you're a web developer, a graphics enthusiast, a game developer, or a tech explorer, this eBook is the perfect resource for you.

Order your copy today and start creating stunning real-time web graphics like never before!