註釋For 24 years, Tales of the Unanticipated has provided you with the widest range in subject and tone in speculative fiction, poetry, and artwork. In TOTU #30, Australian author Stephen Dedman explores the fuss generated by a returning space probe. Eleanor Arnason introduces us to a homeless teddy bear, and Patricia Russo offers a dark tale about what happens when sticky creatures come to town. Barbara Rosen introduces us to a cat with a special talent, while Catherine Lundoff offers a mysterious Egyptian cat sculpture. Terry Faust and Martha A. Hood serve up two very different looks at what happens when a deity drops by for an extended stay. Douglas J Lane writes about nerd vengeance of the nasty kind. Patricia S. Bowne examines the politics surrounding wood nymphs, while Jason Sanford tells "A Twenty-First Century Fairy Love Story." William Mingin leads us through an epic quest that starts with an unsettled restaurant bill. Canadian Sarah Totton writes about vodka, pumice, and fire-breathing chartered accountants. TOTU #30 includes a prose poem by Ann Peters and Ellen Kuhfeld, partly inspired by the Babylonian Enuma Elish. Ruth Berman, Ann K. Schwader, P M F Johnson, Zoe Gabriel, F.J. Bergmann, Sandra Kasturi, Alexis Vergalla, KC Wilder, and G.O. Clark. The issue is highly enhanced by striking artwork by Rodger Gerberding & Suzanne Clarke, Marge Ballif Simon, Georgie Schnobrich, Barbara Rosen, and this issue's featured artist, Jules Hart.