We Answered the Call

Scottie Berrand was not unlike many young American men in the late 1960s and early 70s. He enjoyed cars and respected his elders, especially the men in his family who had answered the call of duty in wars dating back to the Civil and Revolutionary Wars. So when Berrand enlisted and went to Vietnam, he felt as if he were doing exactly what those who came before him did answering the call of his country.

Vietnam was a different war though. Combat was horrific, confusing, and near nonstop for the young men on the ground in Southeast Asia.

Upon returning home from a traumatic tour, Scottie struggled with the reception he and other Vietnam veterans received as well as adjustment back into civilian life.

Through the love of a woman and the reconnection with a brother, a fellow combat veteran, he was able to put the war behind him and move on.

We Answered the Call is a must read for those wanting to better understand the life of a combat veteran in Vietnam and the struggles these men endured during the war and in the decades since the war.