Adult Literacy and Numeracy
註釋A project investigated the extent to which the current adult basic education (ABE) provision was meeting the needs of participants in Northern Ireland. Interviews were conducted with key individuals from 22 agencies providing adult literacy and numeracy support, selected tutors and managers of ABE (n=62), and 55 ABE students. Students had a variety of reasons for participation, often both vocational and personal. Barriers were mainly dispositional, including the fear of being seen to have ABE needs, of traveling to unsafe areas, and of not being able to cope with course content. Situational barriers included the costs incurred by participation. Child care considerations also affected students' participation and regular attendance. Students gave particular praise to course content, styles of teaching, and teachers' qualities. In contrast to initial assessment and induction guidance, pre-entry guidance was minimal. Participants considered guidance and support while on courses to be excellent. The majority of coordinators and managers of ABE provision felt that, overall, available funding for ABE in Northern Ireland was insufficient. Full-time staff were the best qualified, but most ABE teaching was done by part-time and volunteer tutors with lower levels of relevant qualifications. Benefits included helping improve skills needed at work and increasing promotion prospects, improving the quality of life, and increasing self-esteem. Contains eight references. (YLB)