No More Dancing Chickens
註釋Once upon a time, traveling circuses used to have a popular sideshow. Chickens were placed on a metal stage, and the audience watched as the metal under their feet was slowly heated. Soon, the unlucky poultry could do nothing but hop around, trying to save their feet from burning, while the audience enjoyed the spectacle of the chickens "dancing." Unfortunately, today's culture has continued turning up the heat on families by imposing unhealthy and unrealistic expectations, leaving us leading exhausted lives of quiet desperation, wishing for a new way to live. Quiet desperation. These are the words that describe many of today's families in their desire to connect with one another in ways that last longer than a text message or a social media post. Families crave connection. But due to the breakneck pace of the culture in which we live, we need a confident game plan. Without one, even our closest relationships will fall by the wayside as we concentrate on just "keeping up." No More Dancing Chickens provides an alternate route for daily living that families can immediately put into practice, allowing them to experience true, lasting connections with one another like never before.