The Secret Agenda

9/11 was an inside job. There was a secret agenda for vested interests at the highest levels of power. John O’Rourke, a former priest now working as a journalist, comes into possession of crucial evidence establishing the long-term plans of those in power in both the US and the UK., plans which show the events of 7/7 are not everything they appear to be either. O’Rourke knows too much and his life is at risk as he follows a trail of deception and intrigue that stretches from Dubai to the Balkans. But as O’Rourke amasses his proof, an unexpected development occurs. He is offered a stark choice with a 48-hour deadline: accept a million pounds to keep silent or face the prospect of death for himself and his family.

The Secret Agenda some of the most important issues that face the world today, but told through the bleak dilemma of one man whose commitment to truth may mean the destruction of those he loves most. The book ends with the death of bin Laden at the hands of Seal Team Six, who knew he could not be captured alive due to his links with the Agency. Before each chapter factual extracts of information, of which the public are largely unaware, whet the reader’s appetite and an epilogue deals with the archetypal significance of the events.

‘ James Best is a vivid writer and his work will transport you to distant realms of place and mind. When you emerge, your soul will be better for the trip.’

—J.H. Brennan.