The Symbols of the Constructor
註釋Foreword The people of the book, as the natives of Harran in Turkey are called, believed that the number 3 did not exist, and that God in an act of desperation for not being able to look at him had to create it, to pretend his face on it. The temple, the center of the Latin city, was the first thing that the urban layout evoked, the focal point of it, in its plinth or herma, all the golden pathways ended, like rays of sun that emerged from this cubic center, eternal rest of the hero and of the bird of augur, Rutilo Namaciano sang his beautiful hymn: You made of the various homelands, a City you made of which was only an orb. Rome, common homeland exclaims Seneca, is by far the model of the science of architecture and the apotheosis of the geometer. Much of the symbolism of ancient temples can be found in Rome in the architectural figure of the Templum, which occupied the center of the city and in the Greek model of a temple that predates Rome, the Megarón, these architectural boxes fulfilled in themselves the routine of axiality to crown the cadence of the solar arc, of time these temples will share part of the science of light and the day arc, as well as a common metric whose language is the module of architecture, where the number becomes flesh and body architectural. The Mediterranean temples of Phenicia as well as the Romans and Greek heirs were of all previous science, they bequeathed in the mythical figure of Hiram shooting his numen and this flaunting his knowledge left this world in mudes, leaving the temple of Solomon unfinished. Subsequently, the myth Solomon tells about his megalomania led his father's house to its total destruction.