Competitive Advantage - Fixing Small Bus
註釋Can your business gain a Competitive Advantage through a loss prevention program? Every business with employees, retail customers and cash transactions factors in shrink as an ordinary business write off. This book describes how you can recover lost profits due to theft, waste, claims and poor accountability through good prevention and procedures. We think that all small and mid sized companies are exposed to shrinkage losses that cost 3-4% of net profits on average and the typical business owner is leaving the money on the table and writing off a loss! You can stop a significant amount of theft, waste, fraud and bad accounting practices contributing to the loss through careful examination of loss exposure and the creation of loss prevention programs, policies and procedures that set you up to defend your business profits. This book will tell you how to do it. As a business owner, it's the best $49.99 you will ever spend! Businesses that generate more profits gain a Competitive Advantage!