Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Part 3
註釋This third Edition is a completely new version in a new century of the Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. The new edition will bring the state-of-the-art up to the 21st century, with coverage of nanotechnology, new imaging and analytical techniques, new methods of controlled polymer architecture, biomimetics, and more.

New topics covered include nanotechnology, AFM, MALDI, biomimetics, and genetic methods, of increasing importance since 1990 and will also bring up-to-date coverage of traditional topics of continuing interest.

This edition will publish in 3 Parts of 4 volumes each. Each Part will be an A-Z selection of the newest articles available in the online edition of this encyclopedia. A list of the titles to appear in Part I can be viewed by clicking "What's New" at www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/epst. Titles for Parts II and III will appear there as well when available.