3,800+ Holidays, Promotions, Events for 2014 in the United States,
United Kingdom, Canadian, Australian and Chinese Markets. The 2014 LEEP
features over 3,800 dates in over 53 categories arranged alphabetically
(with source URLs), chronologically and by length. This calendar of
holidays and events for 2014 includes National, Promotional, Industry
and International Events, Federal Holidays, Major Sporting Events and
industry specific promotions. The LEEP Calendar is the invaluable
time-saving, idea generating, revenue building business reference tool
that provides exceptional marketers, publishers and journalists a
quantifiable critical advantage over the competition. Created by a
marketing and publishing industry veteran for: Advertising Executives
Authors Bloggers Business Networkers Business Owners Editors Educators
Event Planners Journalists Marketing Executives Media Planners Media
Sales Reps Promotional Products Retailers Public Relations Publicists
Publishers Retail Executives Sales Executives Social Media Marketers and
anyone who is curious!