Dynamics of a Diplomacy Delayed
R. Sreekantan Nair
India and Israel
Kalpaz Publications
, 2004
Political Science / International Relations / General
1. Introduction The Problem; The Research Question; Hypotheses; Chapter Design; Review of Literature; Methodology; Scope and Limitations of the Study 2. India's Foreign Policy Postures and West Asia India's Foreign Policy Objectives; Global Postures; Regional Postures; Sub-continental Postures; India's West Asia Policy; Strategic and Security Priorities; Political and Diplomatic Priorities; Geo-political and Commercial Priorities; Domestic, Political and Economic Priorities 3. The Palestine Question and the Changing Nature of Indian Policy The Khilafat Movement; The Palestine Question; Perceptions of Gandhi Ji; Perceptions of Nehru; India's Role in the U.N.; The Suez Crisis and India; The 1967 war and India's stand; India's SupporttoP.L.O.; Yom Kippur War; India's Defence P.L.O's Diplomatic Status; The Algiers Declaration, March 1974; The Rabat Arab Summit, October 1974; Arafat's Appearance at the UN.; India's Recognition of P.L.O.; India's Advocacy at the U.N.; Response of the Janata Government; The Camp David Accord; India's Full Diplomatic Status to P.L.O.; Israeli Invasion of Lebanon; The 7th Non-Aligned Summit and the Palestinian Cause; India's Response to the Factional Crisis in P.L.O.; Re-orientation and Policy Shift. 4. Indo-Israeli Relations: The Challenging Dimensions India and the Creation of Israel; India and the Question of Recognition of Israel; Recognition but no relationship Policy India's Home work for a Policy Shift; The Propriety and the Rationale of the Indian Decision; Factors Responsible for the Policy Shift; General Response and Reaction 5. Indo-Israeli Relations: The Bilateral Phase Major Areas of Bilateral Co-operation; Trade and Economic Co-operation; Co-operation in Tourism and Culture; Agricultural Co-operation; Scientific and Technological Cooperation; Security and Defence Co-operation; Military Cooperation: Myth or Reality?; Nature of Co-operation and Areas of Mutual Interests; Programmes of Upgradation and Modernisation; Missile Technology; Electronic Warfare; Nuclear Collaboration? Combating Terrorism and Intelligence Co-operation 6. Strategic Implications of Indo-Israeli Relations India's Strategic Priori ties in the 21st Century; The U.S. Factor; The China Factor; The Pakistan Factor; The West Asia Factor; The Responses and Reactions of the Arab States; Implications of India's West Asia Policy 7. Conclusion and Findings A Re-visit to the Problem; Major Findings; Validation of Hypotheses; A Brief Summary; Limitations to the Study; Future of Indo Israeli Relations; The Study: An Overview Appendices Bibliography Index