Terminal evaluation of the project GCP/GLO/882/CBT “Building Global Capacity to Increase Transparency in the Forest Sector” (CBIT-Forest)
註釋The terminal evaluation serves a double purpose of (i) providing evidence on project performance (delivery of results) for accountability and transparency purposes, and (ii) promoting learning and knowledge sharing within FAO and GEF and among the global and national partners to strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of countries to meet the ETF requirements of the Paris Agreement. The evaluation used a combination of methods to gather information: document review, semi-structured interviews of pilot country representatives, other key stakeholders and CBIT-Forest Partners, and project management and Project Steering Committee members, as well as a brief survey targeted at pilot country partners. The evaluation used interviews and surveys to provide evidence on project performance, with particular emphasis on assessing the achievement of outcomes and impacts, value-added and benefits provided through participation in the CBIT-Forest project, sustainability, general value-added and lessons learned.