註釋This 52 page booklet is a transcript of a symposium on Should We Return to a Gold Standard? held by the National Industrial Conference Board in 1948. Participants include Warren Buffett's father Howard H. Buffet and Ludwig von Mises. Contents: Foreword by Virgil Jordan (President), Mr. Cortney: When Values are Lost, If Prices Fall, Walter E. Spahr: The Greatest Fraud, Control by the People, In a Managed Economy, Gold to the People, Value of Hoarding, Champagne to Beer, Do We Want Depreciation?, No End to Depreciation, A Call for Leadership, An Unrealistic Proposal, Howard H. Buffett: The Strength is Lacking, Old Scrooge Hopkins, No Nays Here, Power of the Veterans, Freedoms Rest on Gold, Critique of the Fund, J. Keith Horsefield: It Fails in the Pinch, Paper Money is Handy, Back to the Mines, For International Exchange, Theory of Exceptionalism, Tribute to Keynes, Albert Hahn: Paradox of Gold, Elisha M. Friedman: The London Goldsmiths, Early Continental Banking, How the British Feel, J.H. Riddle: Currency is Protected, Andre Istel:, George F. Bauer:, Ludwig von Mises: The Voter The Guardian, Michael A. Heilperin: Cycles Regardless, Against A Red Herring, Philippe Schwob: Dual Role Necessary, A Price Misunderstanding, A Case of Sour Grapes, -If a Drunk Driver, An Unmanaged Gold Standard - end. 52 pp.