1,078 lots with a total estimated value of 6.5 million euros…these dry statistics, perhaps, best express the amazement that is felt when one opens the newest catalog from Fritz Rudolf Künker.
For the upcoming Berlin Auction on January 29th, 2015, one highlight follows another. It begins with 258 spectacular cabinet pieces from the Horn Collection, among them a large group of rarities from Saxony. Next come 238 lot numbers of German coins from various properties, and here too, every piece is something special. 276 coins and medals come from foreign countries, including many pieces from the Horn Collection, and still more numismatic excitement with a Polish collection, a series of English heavy gold pieces, and a collection of early American gold coins commemorating the “Gold Rush”. The auction ends with 258 Russian pieces, the “creme de la creme“, the rarest of the rare. One may assume that a surprising record price or two may be reached.