Mixed Emotions
Alexis Smith
The Struggles of Being Single and Saved While Searching for Self
Independently Published
, 2020-11-13
Body, Mind & Spirit / Inspiration & Personal Growth
Mixed Emotions is a publication of prayers and conversations rendered to God by a young, single mother, who often found herself overwhelmed by her life journey. The book is a collection of journal entries that detail the joys, hurts, obstacles, and successes she experienced on a quest to find her purpose and unveil God's destiny for her life.In many entries, the author pleads with God for forgiveness for her many mistakes and transgressions. As well, she consistently thanks Him for grace and mercy. Her reflection on extremely personal past events strongly contributed to the creation of the Woman she discovers herself to be. Many entries relay her overwhelming fears, emotions, and discuss the stigmas associated with being a Single Black Woman in America. Through prayer and growth, the author finds her place and purpose in Christ and conquers her emotions by learning to trust God's will for her life in every situation of her life.Through the publication, the author intends to inspire others to learn from her struggles and convey the importance of not questioning the Will of God even through trials and tribulations. She hopes the reader will use what she learned on her journey to strengthen their walk while pursuing their own purpose. Through this publication, she displays that it is possible to maintain dignity and self-respect while being single, saved, and searching for self.