Builder of Bridges
The Biography of Dr. Bob Jones, Sr
出版Sword of the Lord, 1969
註釋When Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., died on January 16, 1968, the curtain came down on the triple career of this man of God. But the impact goes on. By the time Dr. Jones was 42, amazing crowds thronged the giant temporary board tabernacles in scores of cities rivaling the crowds of Billy Sunday and Dr. Torrey. And even more amazing, he had seen already, a million converts publicly claim the Lord! Whole cities were changed, sometimes doubling the membership of cooperating churches. Newspaper reports were so laudatory in their comparisons with the other one thousand evangelists then active that Dr. Bob would not allow further reports of the number of converts in his meetings to be published. But here are detailed accounts, newspaper reports of revivals such as this generation never saw nor knew about! How glad we are that multitudes may read about and rejoice in them again. Then Dr. Bob's career as founder and builder of the World's Most Unusual University is pictured: Florida; Cleveland, Tennessee; Greenville, South Carolina. Over 5,000 ministers, pastors, and missionaries in every country in the world preaching "the old-time religion without apology," cross on bridges Dr. Bob built, win souls as he taught them, defend the faith of Christ that he defended. For culture, character training, soul-winning emphasis and solid Christianity, no school in the world compares, we sincerely believe, with Bob Jones University. But Dr. Jones was left in the world for another contemporary career. Like Luther, Wesley, Spurgeon, Torrey, Gray, and Riley, Dr. Jones was a great defender of the faith, left, when others of his generation of old-time evangelists were gone Home, to face the latest compromise. "New Evangelicals" arose to sneer at old-time fundamentalists, to mock at their standard about alcohol, tobacco, theater, dancing, and gambling, their insistence on direct creation or their fight against evolution and for the word-for-word inspiration of the Bible. These New Evangelicals joined with infidels in denominations and in mass evangelism, insisted on no fight exposing modernism. Dr. Jones was attacked, slandered, misrepresented, but he nobly stood his ground, encouraged thousands to stay true, kept the University true. Along with the giants of yesterday ranks this mighty man, Dr. Bob Jones Sr., builder of bridges for us all. What a triumphal entry into Glory he must have had! - Jacket flap.