其他書名 | Containing All the Heliocentrical and Geocentrical Places of the Planets, Aspects, Lunations, Eclipses and Quarterly Ingresses, Most Exactly Calculated. With Astrological Observations Thereon. Referred to the Zenith of the Famous City of London But Generally Useful to England, Scotland, Ireland,&c. The Only Exact Ephemeris Extant for this Year. To which is Added, the True Nightly Rising&setting of the Moon Also the True Time of Her Coming to South. Several Tables of Perpetual and Singular Use: and Lastly, the Exact Time of High-water at London-Bridge. By Thomas Streete, the Author of Astronomia Carolina,&teacher of the Mathematicks |
出版 | J. Gain, 1685 |
URL | http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=bZlnPPAySAMC&hl=&source=gbs_api |