註釋If there’s one thing that the author wants, it is to be able to share his psychic experiences with as many people as possible. However, cognizant of the fact that not all peoples will be curious on his subject, he decided to write these into a book for anybody interested to read.

He narrated here some of his unusual experiences spanning a period of fifty years. Sometimes they did not seem logically explainable, sometimes they were doubtful, sometimes hair-raising, sometimes wonderful.

In many instances, he had recurring dreams, so vivid that they almost seem real. At a later time, he would be a witness to the scenery or the situation he saw in his dreams. At first, he doubted his recollections so he tried to list down his dreams of unusual places or events just so he can be sure when it has happened that indeed, he dreamt about it. The French have a term for it, déjà vu, isn’t it?

He had not experienced seeing dead people as ghosts, but he was sure he heard something to convince him that they are still very much around.

These are some of the experiences he narrated, which you could have experienced yourself.