Tales of Small Adventure
註釋Silence of Midnight This story is about a teenage girl who lost her mother from cancer. She and her father decided to take a trip to visit his sister down South, unknowing of the events that would take place on their journey. Sweet Voice Afar This story was told to me by my father one day while we were fishing at a river. Nothing was biting and there was nothing for us to do. He told me about his adventure in the great Pine Run Forest. A Reporters Hunch This is a story about a young reporter, named Frank Ross, who falls in love with writing. Not only just writing, but he wants to write down to earth, like getting involved with whoever he is writing about. To him, this is the only way a story should be written. Life as It Is This is about help from loneliness and fear. Seek and you should find; have faith in yourself. You know, there are lots of ups and downs in life, such as loneliness and fear. Lonelinessit could be one of the most frustrating experiences that any one person could face. There is a story that I would like to share with you. This story fits almost every person there is. My First Trip by Frank Ross This story, I hope, is a reminder to all that people change and you must look at them the way you want them to look at you. Another Frank Ross Story Hi, my name is Frank Ross. I work for a local newspaper. You probably read my story called A Reporters Hunch in this book. Written by my long-lasting friend, William Lyons. This story I am about to tell is about two people who lived a distance apart. They never met but had something in common.