History of the Free Baptist Woman's Missionary Society
註釋With a reverent belief that the Heavenly Father is well pleased when his children not only appreciate His gracious dealings with them, but with loving gratitude let it be known to the world, this brief history of his leadings for twenty-seven years is given to the public.Should the reader detect errors in data here contained, kindly indulgence is begged and a charitable thought to the diverse and often meager sources from which information has been gleaned with untiring patience.Time and space have been allowed for allusion to only a very few of the choice spirits, whose deeds of sacrifice for this enterprise might justly fill the pages of its history. Many of these women are seldom seen or heard in public and their names are comparatively unknown outside their own circ le of friends, but their adherence to convictions of duty merits the highest commendation.In the schoolroom, in the shop, at the desk, in the solitude of the bereaved home, amid the cares of large households, with the ringing prattle of (childhood about them, their busy brains have planned, their hands have executed, and their hearts have prayed. Their counsels, interest, and labors have been unflagging and unfailing. For the speedy forgiveness of mistakes and for signal blessings that have contributed to make the record of this organization one of uninterrupted growth and progress, We thank thee, O Lord.Mary A. LewisOcean Park, Maine, Jan. 1, 190