How to Be Happy Though Married
註釋Press Notices on the First Edition. "If wholesome advice you can brook, When single too long you have tarried; If comfort you'd gain from a book, When very much wedded and harried; No doubt you should speedily look, In 'How to be Happy though Married!'" - Punch. "We strongly recommend this book as one of the best of wedding presents. It is a complete handbook to an earthly Paradise, and its author may be regarded as the Murray of Matrimony and the Baedeker of Bliss." - Pall Mall Gazette. "The author has successfully accomplished a difficult task in writing a clever and practical book on the important subject of matrimony.... This book, which is at once entertaining and full of wise precepts, deserves to be widely read." - Morning Post. "An entertaining volume.... The new guide to matrimonial felicity." - Standard, Leader. "A clever, readable, and entertaining book.... This delicious book." - Literary Churchman. "This most elucidatory treatise.... As a 'companion to the honeymoon, ' this orange blossom, true-love-knot ornamented volume should no doubt be highly esteemed." - Whitehall Review. "The book is tastefully got up, and its contents adapt it very well for a present to a young bride." - Queen. "One of the cleverest, best written books on the subject we have read at any time. To girls contemplating marriage, the volume should be presented as a wedding gift.... Grave and gay, but never for a moment dull or tiresome. Each page sparkles with anecdote or suggestive illustration." - Ladies' Treasury. "A highly ornamental yet handy, well printed, and admirably written volume." - The Lady. "A rich store of entertaining anecdote, and full of thoughts beautiful, pious, and wise. Has a tasteful binding." - Bookseller. "Domestic happiness, thou only bliss Of Paradise that hast survived the fall! Though few now taste thee, unimpaired and pure, Or, tasting, long enjoy thee, too infirm Or too incautious to preserve thy sweets Unmixed with drops of bitters, which neglect Or temper sheds into thy crystal cup." - Cowper. "It is fit that I should infuse a bunch of myrrh into the festival goblet, and, after the Egyptian manner, serve up a dead man's bones at a feast: I will only show it, and take it away again; it will make the wine bitter, but wholesome." - Jeremy Taylor. Preface. Most of the books intended to give "counsel and ghostly strength" to newly-married people are so like a collection of sermons that they are given away rather than read. When writing the following pages I have remembered that the only kind of vice all people agree to shun is - advice, and have endeavoured to hide the pill. This is my excuse if at times I seem to fall into anecdotage.