Die Wegbereiter der Judenerklärung des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils
Johannes XXIII., Kardinal Bea und Prälat Oesterreicher - eine Darstellung ihrer theologischen Entwicklung
出版Bonifatius, 2007
註釋Traces the development of the attitudes to Judaism of the three Churchmen, in theology and in practice. Pope John XXIII and Cardinal Bea had been educated in Thomistic theology, including the deicide accusation and Thomas Aquinas' teachings on God's curse on the Jews for their rejection of Christ. They remained ambivalent on these matters all their lives, though coming to believe that only a handful of Jews of Jesus' time, and certainly no contemporary Jews, were responsible for his death. But they were openminded and openhearted toward Jews as human beings and the wrong done to them over the centuries, climaxing with the Holocaust. The Pope, as nuncio in Istanbul during World War II, had helped Jewish refugees; later he formed friendships with Jewish community leaders and scholars. The Vatican Council was not at first intended to deal with Christian-Jewish relations, but after pleas from Jules Isaac and others, the Pope asked Bea and his Secretariat for Christian Unity to prepare a statement on the subject to be submitted to the Council. Traces the battles around this statement until it was finally adopted, with changes, and published in "Nostra aetate". Oesterreicher, a convert who worked for conversion of Jews but also against antisemitism, acted as an expert adviser and later publicized the new teaching. Discusses, also, the work of Jules Isaac, Karl Thieme, and Gertrud Luckner, who were engaged intensively in Christian-Jewish dialogue and helped to prepare the way for "Nostra aetate".